Thursday, November 20, 2014

Locking out the Kids

The deadline for completing my yoga certification hours is fast approaching.  I have to buckle down and start writing the few final posts on this blog (which I have been putting off for some time.  See The yoga of Procrastination).  In order to do this, I've had to start locking myself in my bedroom while the kids are busy with safe activities.  They always notice my absence within minutes (I'm fairly certain they have some sort of factory-installed mom-radar) and come knocking on the door.

Actually, my girls come pounding on the door yelling and crying.  My son will come over a few minutes later, and I'll hear him say, "Wait... stop... I know what to do."  Then they will all go silent and Nicholas' sweet little voice will come ringing out from the crack under the door.  "Mom?  Are you in there?"

This used to give me mom-guilt.  I used to open the door, with a sigh, the very first time they knocked.  Heck, I never used to even close the door, let alone lock it!

Well, this experience of locking the door and being okay with it has led me to extend the idea further. Every day I interact with people.  I talk to students, store clerks, bag boys, friends, acquaintances, other moms at the playground, people from my husband's work, etc.  Every time to interact with someone, you open up an energy channel connecting you and the other person.

Oftentimes we focus on opening our heart to others-- allowing them into your life-- but I think just as important is knowing when to close that door.  It's okay to close the door to your inner fire and energy, protect it.

When I tried to complete something important with my door wide open, I was always bombarded by small children groping, seeking my attention, ruining my work.  The same can happen when we leave our energy centers wide open--- we'll be bombarded by energy from other people's feelings, desires, and even other planes of energies.  It can overpower our own energy.

I really, really enjoyed this article about opening vs. awakening our energy centers.

I would also take a look at all the wonderful information about chakras available on Bodhi Yoga website.

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