Thursday, November 13, 2014

Yoga as a career

There is a change taking place in my yoga.  Because of the teacher training I've been finishing, the hours of study and practice teaching I've been doing, yoga is becoming a job.  I no longer do yoga only for the pure enjoyment, but also to meet an end goal.  I'm not sure how I feel about this.  

I have been so very thankful for the yoga teachers I've had the privilege to study under.  Without journey into the healing arts would have come to a halt many years ago.  So I am grateful that they took the time to become teachers, to get certified, and to hone their practice.  But it makes me wiggle uncomfortably when I think about building up my own teaching career.  

For one, I feel like I am very much a student-- still learning, still unsure, still in need of instruction.  I feel a little ill-equipped to teach with authority.

Secondly, I take a look around and I see what it really takes to be a "successful" teacher.  One must build up a following of students which seems to require a bit of self-promotion.  I just find it hard to marry this idea of self-promotion with the goal of ridding yourself of ego which is so prominent in the practice of asana.  

I'm grateful for the example of Syl, founder of Bodhi Yoga, because I feel that she consistently points students toward yoga and not herself.  But it is so rarely the case out here (in MA).  Some of my favorite teachers-- really skilled, qualified teachers--- spend more time promoting their practice than actually practicing.  

I have no conclusion.  Just musings.  I guess I am grateful that yoga will always be a "side job" for me, as raising my children is still my first priority. 

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