Friday, June 27, 2014


Do you ever wish sometimes you didn't know something?  I find enlightenment exhilarating and wonderful, but then once you know can't un-know it.  So inevitably, it changes you and your habits, behaviors, etc.  

I remember when I didn't know that gluten was hurting my body (a personal allergy I have).  It was so nice to eat whatever I wanted and not worry about it!  Aaah, the joy of eating a piece of cake without guilt, and without the accompanying pains and discomforts.  I still felt the same physical pains and discomforts, but because I didn't know where they came from--- the delight of eating the cake was unmarred.  sigh :)  

Obviously, things are so much better now that I DO know.  My body doesn't hurt; things are functioning properly and I can recognize the signs of this allergy in my children.  But I will never again be able to not know again.  

The same goes for spiritual and emotional knowledge.  Sometimes along our journey toward mindful living we have an epiphany or we suddenly see something in our life very clearly.  It changes us instantly because we'll never be able to unlearn it--- but sometimes the process of living it is so much harder.  We find ourselves yearning for the easier days of not knowing.  Alas, we are already changed, just by knowing.

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